Welcome to Portfolio Resource Center!
PORTFOLIO RESOURCE CENTER was created in 2006 and was recently modified to provide for a combined Virtual and Human Factor Approach and to complement Autonomous Personalized Investing. PRC is uniquely suited for Do-It-Yourself (D-I-Y) Self-Directed Investors using Discount Brokerage Services (DBS) for their Registered and Non-Registered Investment accounts.
A value-enhancing Coaching/Training/Monitoring & Investor Facilitating Domain for Online, Discount Brokerage & Self-Directed Investment Accounts!
Health and Finance
Health: the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially: freedom from physical disease or pain.
Finance: the present state of money or other liquid resources of a government, business, group, or individual.
In terms of one’s health, which should always come before one’s finance, people in general tend to spend too little time on their overall health and have a tendency to complicate their finances. At PRC, we can help our Members to Simplify and Maximizing their Investment Journeys!
At PORTFOLIO RESOURCE CENTER we try to keep things simple while continuing to “add value” to our members’ Personal Investment Journey.
Health Overview: Working with a Physical and Personal Coach/Trainer for health and well-being can help one to revitalize their aging body, increase energy and endurance levels, or merely affords one the luxury of remaining in good physical shape to maintain and continue to enjoy the quality and pleasures of life.
Finance Overview: The same is true on the Personal Investment side. With more Discount Brokerage Services (DBS) around today and a multitude of online investment tools which have become more readily available and economical today, of which many are free; together they have made it more convenient for Investors to build and personalize their own Investment portfolios like never before. At PRC, we can help sort out the “value-added” tools from the “waste-your-time” ones.
As more and more Investors are increasingly opting for the more “hands-on approach” to Personal Investing, many Investors are adding a Personal Coaching /Training and Investor Facilitating Services element to their team. These services offer more flexibility, guidance and Personalized assistance in a lower fee-structure Investment environment.
Our services are adapted to complement the Investor’s existing Investment Model. At PRC, we can recognize that value implies the utility of worth of the commodity of service for an individual’s needs. We believe we can help in providing value to our Members’ experience!
This approach is an alternative to the full service high fee-based investment models offered today by mostly “inexperienced and commissions driven” advisors and sales people, or the Impersonal Robo-Advisors where the Investor will never experience the “Personalized Human Factor Approach”.
An increasing number of Investors are moving their portfolios to or choosing to invest with Discount Brokerage Services (DBS) for three main reasons: (a) flexible Self-Directed Investing, (b) lower fee structure, and (c) security of assets.
Most Discount Brokerage Services (DBS) are wholly owned by major Canadian banks and client accounts are protected by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). For more information, please click here: www.cipf.ca
The benefits that an experienced Coach/Trainer/Facilitator with vast Industry knowledge can bring to the investment table are many, enabling investors to “empower themselves” in making better, wiser, more disciplined, well-informed and less emotional decisions regarding their Investment Portfolios.

Click here for Personal Financial Self-Assessment Quiz, and Personalized Model Portfolio profiles.

Tony Spagnolo, FCSI
Founder and Investment Coach and Educator
Over 30 years of Investment Industry experience!
Former Portfolio Manager with Major Investment and Banking Institutions,
Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI)
Your Investment Coach’s credentials:
Click here to see the investment related licences, courses, and designations.
Our services are not intended for day-traders, speculators, or high-risk oriented investors.
This site is ideally suitable for moderately aggressive to conservative portfolios.
By working with a Personal Investment Coach/Trainer/Facilitator, you begin to enjoy the many benefits that will enable you, the Investor to realize your potential in better understanding and managing your own portfolios while reducing your overall fees.
With your own Personal Investment Coach/Trainer/Facilitator, you will be able to acquire profound Investment insights, enhanced knowledge, and mostly the confidence that will enable you, the investor, to excel in managing your own portfolios like never before!
Our Personalized Innovative Service is considered as one of today’s alternatives to the existing one-sided high fee-structured Models or the Impersonal Robo-Advisors digital Platforms.
If you are not working with a Personal Investment Coach/Trainer/Facilitator at this time, now might be the right time for you to explore the advantages and benefits of having one on your Team!
For any questions on our services or to Book a FREE 15-minute no-obligation Consultation telephone call or Virtual call on (Skype), please choose and schedule your FREE Private and Personalized Consultation using our “Booking Calendar” below: https://portfolioresourcecenter.com/book-a-free-consultation
Working with us at PRC is simple and makes practical sense!
We look forward to hearing from you, and to answer any questions that you may have. You may want to attend one of our future Investment Webinar Series or perhaps just request a “second opinion” on the service you are presently receiving.
Tony Spagnolo, FCSI
Investment Coach & Educator